
Q&A: Sleep Myths

Q: Does the brain rest during sleep? A: Most people think of sleep as a passive, dormant part of our daily lives.  By using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) researchers have evidenced that neurons in the brainstem, which connects the brain with the spinal cord, produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine that keep some parts of […]
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How Your Mattress Can Affect Your Sleep

Everyone knows how important sleep is to a person’s overall well-being. Without sleep, our ability to properly function in our day-to-day lives can be compromised, negatively impacting everything from our physical health to our mental health. That’s why choosing the right mattress is crucial for a good night’s sleep. Thankfully, finding the perfect one is […]
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Where are the Pillows?

The pillows are back! Over the past year, Dr. Maas and United Feather and Down have worked tirelessly to redesign our famous pillows. The pillows that countless Americans fell in love with are available for purchase. You can order directly from under “The Dr. Maas Collection”. 
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Bizarre Sleeping Habits of Famous People

Almost everyone on this planet does some things that seem weird to you, and some of those things are sleep-related. You probably know at least one person who sleeps only five hours a day. However, it’s probably even more strange to hear that famous people like Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Napoleon and others also had […]
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How Does Sleep Affect Your Metabolism?

Sleep has a huge effect on your mood, your health and your weight. Missing a few hours sleep can result in a lower pain tolerance and a bad mood – but that isn’t all. Sleep can also have a huge effect on your metabolism, so if you want to lose weight it is essential to make sure […]
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How Much Sleep Do I Really Need?

It’s common counsel to prescribe eight hours of nightly sleep, but most people don’t value sleep enough to meet that quota. Those who do may still feel groggy the following day, making it that much more unlikely that they’ll carve out the time to maintain an adequate sleep schedule. Ensuring a comfortable sleeping environment, such […]
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Caring For Your Sleep For Success™ Pillow

Many of our customers are just a bit too quick to tear the tags, don a pillowcase, and fluff their Sleep For Success™ by Dr. Maas™ Pillow for a restful night’s snooze.  We’re all in favor of the enthusiasm, but we often hear questions when laundry day rolls around and care instructions are nowhere to […]
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Don’t Let Stress Affect Your Sleep and Your Health!

As we age, as stated by drug treatment Tampa, there are an additional number of factors that can cause stress, which can lead to problems sleeping and heightened levels of fatigue. New challenges, such as a concerning medical diagnosis or the loss of a loved one, can feel like an extreme blow to our mental […]
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